: William Scott tjs my best/ frien d , W e haven't- really kno wn_
each other that long,but we know each other well enough,He def-inately isn't the best friend anyone could have. Some times, I ..ac- .
■.rgSrek ave-r-„having..him as. a friendjThentagainhe.'warn't
.a. friend,I wouldn't ..hnte. done a lot of things that I already
. did do, I guess that * s what, friends are for. I know him very well. Bet ter then mo st people , do .Then .again,who would want to know .him?IIo' s so. smart that, he can't resist correcting you. when you,
. ;sax. something wrong,He thinks we're bosom buddies or something like that,but I sure don't.I've had a lot of good friends,and the way they come and go makes me think I'd be better as a loner who just was friendly, with every one. I know, a lot of people, like that,but.they've been like that.all their lives.If.1 started do-, ing that now,everybody, would notice and not rehpond. very well .to it.I have a reputation to keep up,and I couldn't spoil that. One of ray friends lives, in Illinois,and if I ever saw him again, we'd probably grow to hate each other,so it's safer this way.Tim Weston used .to go to my school.We were great friends,but’he decided bo go to another school.I think.the only problem.with all my friends is that they don't like the same things I do .When they do,it's usually somethig. pretty obscure,like we both .like the same gij’l,which isn't a key factor- in keeping up:--a friendship,
I wish Tim Weston hadn't gone to another school.I'de like to have known, him better, in later life.We had more in common then'anyone else I ever knew ml don't know if I'll, ever see him again when I start high school in two months,but it would sure be nice.
Speaking of friends,I hang around a group of people in my class.Since there are only twenty-five people in my class, the. eight people I hang around with is considered pretty big.Our teacher© don* t like us, but what are teachers for? I didn't notice it at first,but for every guy in our group,there's a girl.I guess that's why w.e always stay together the way we do.I stay with Paula Dixon,I .like her,but not really.I know her so well that some-- times,! let little bits of her personal stuff leak out.We're not going to ge th e r any thing,but we like- to. act like' it. She's rea-
- Author
- mark thomas